Monday, 11 March 2013


On one of my regular regular forays into the cyber wastes I found something interesting if you like our friend the Argentinian Moon Prospector, Explorador Planetario. This cool SWORD clone from South America has featured many times on the blog and with its beautiful box art [discussed exactly one year ago - spooky!] is a great addition to any SWORD collection.
So I was thrilled to come across this black and white trade advertisement page for BICHI toys including the Explorador Planetario pictured neatly at the bottom of the ad's arrow motif. Cool or what!
Close up we see that the Prospector is flanked by two other toys, EXPLORADOR ESPACIAL, a space boat and MURCIEL LANCHA, a bat boat. All three would seem to be BICHI's sci-fi range.
We know that the Prospector came with a yellow sticker around its collar just below the radar slot. It reads "EXPL.PLAN.CHIBI XV8" with an atomic symbol in the middle. There is also a BICHI version of the sticker and both are show here.
Looking at the sticker on the space boat [below] you'll see that it's a very similar design. It says "PLANETARIUM BICHI XV9" along with that atomic symbol again. Since the Prospector is numbered XV8 I think its safe to say that its the space boat's buddy in the range. Seeing the space boat box would be cool but I haven't been able to find one yet.
The bat boat, below, doesn't have the atomic symbol but is nevertheless a fine looking toy and box. BICHI/ CHIBI produced a whole range of different batmobiles, which aren't shown on the advert page I found but a quick peek in google images should reveal more. Try 'chibi juguete batmovil' or the same with 'bichi', as they appear to be interchangeable and could in fact be one in the same toy company. But I'm not sure!
all toy pictures: ebay

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