Scoop's neat post about his Ace Brave pop-up book reminded me that I once had a copy. Along with my very first film, TV and sci-fi collection, it was photographed around 1991 by Leeds photographer Dave Birkinshaw, which you can see here. As you can tell I was basically a space and batman kinda guy back then. Not much has changed really! Alas, only the SWORD glider and Annual have survived from either group. The rest were sold off on my toy fair stalls when I used to do them. Can anyone ID the remote-controlled spacecraft at the right of the top pic?
You had soe really cool stuff there Woodsy! I've been on the prowl for the Mego and early Corgi Batmobiles but haven't been willing to fess up the kind of money they command. Somewhere in The Cave I have a Hold Rakete with drop-down ramp.