Friday 4 January 2013

TV Heaven or TV Hell?

So what was Christmas and New Year TV like in your neck of the woods? In England I found it OK I suppose. Being film-oriented and not having Sky I rely on the three main channels and those on Freeview for my movies. I managed to see Moon, Blade Runner, Planet of the Apes, Nightmare Before Christmas and Dog Soldiers. I know I missed Silent Running 'cos Bill B saw it.
Not bad I suppose but all too soon do the channels return to their usual slurry of reality TV and endless loops of Jean Claud Van Damme and Steven Seagal films. I'm beginning to think that UK TV executives bought their entire back catalogues for a bag of chips and a pepsi and are laughing all the way to the bank, whilst we wither in a visual desert!
Tens of thousands of movies have been made since the dawn of film, so c'mon TV execs, please vary our diet and give us some Hammer Horror, Fifties Sci Fi, Sixties Thunderbirds, Seventies ghost stories, Eighties videos and, well, just about anything other than another season of Jean Claud Seagal, which we saw last year and the year before that! 
As usual I will have to turn to You Tube for my films before I start doing roundhouse kicks in my sleep! How did you find your TV or indeed radio this festive holiday folks?


  1. Thought overall Xmas TV was dismal. But TV usually is these days!

  2. Great picks there Woodsy. Lots of fab stuff on the telly over the holidays, but didn't get to spend much time watching. Found The Snowman and the Snowdog quite charming, though.

  3. Didn't watch much telly either - the family were watching films-on-demand mostly.

    But I was right thankful for Jools' Hootenanny on New Years Eve. After I finally managed to switch over from a godawful show on Dutch TV used for the countdown to midnight.

    Don't knock the Beeb too much - still a shining example to other broadcasters, most of whom rarely get even close.

    Best -- Paul

  4. Usual Christmas telly, trying to pick the good stuff from hours of rubbish. Saw Moon etc and finally caught Family Guy - Something Something Dark Side. Have to say the best bit for me was the Morecambe and Wise Christmas 1973 show on BBC2! Still makes me laugh.

  5. (And if you search for "jools hootenanny 2013" on y'alltube (to borrow Ed's brilliant name for it) then there's quite a bit of it there already)

  6. Call me old fashioned but I actually like watching Christmas movies at Christmas :-) There were plenty of my favorites to watch over here on the Left Coast.
