Tuesday, 29 January 2013


Rather like the cargo module that crashes on the moon in my inaugural story on Celtica, 'Tales of the Darkside', another parcel of goodies arrived at Marsbase yesterday. This time from Commander Woods, I received a real cornucopia of goodies, including the second SWORD Make A Model book, so I can finally build my own Hovertank! (watch this space..). Packed in amongst the books and other treasures was a small orange Kinder Egg like capsule, which when I cracked it open revealed the rare Furuta mini model of the NASA Lunar Prospector probe. This tiny kit, comprising just 9 parts, builds into a really finely detailed model of the 1999 vehicle. Tucked in next to it was the micro Booster Rocket from the Thunderbird 7 kit too!

Just to indulge an old man even more, Woodstock had sent me a fine Boma resin Totem Pole, which was skillfully appropriated by Mrs Moonbase from Dewsbury Car Boot! The pole is the latest addition to my other major passion of collecting and now takes pride of place on the First Nations shelf.
My collection of Totem poles are squirreled away on my secret blog here.


  1. Shouldn't keep your secret blog secret, Bill. That's an amazing collection (more extensive than you ever let on!) and a wonderful couple of stories.

    Best -- Paul

  2. Nice little blog Bill, what you doowin' hiding it under a bushel? I particularly like the use of crumpled tissue as a back drop...I'll steal that one!

    That crow seems like a rum fellow though...


  3. Another fascinating side of Bill revealed! Those reminded me of the totem pole at the entrance of Zweibrücken AB in germany. The pole was a gift by the Canadians who operated the base before the Ami's came in.

  4. Thanks guys - the reason its a 'secret' blog is basically because its for my own amusement. As I was saying to Paul last night, its actually a 'catablog' or a visual record of every model ive got, so I dont buy the same ones on ebay ! Also, its much easier to inspect the finer detail on some of the smaller ones, by zooming in on the photos.

    Hugh - think I asked your advice on that 'Rum Fellow' before I picked him up!
