Sunday, 27 January 2013

Kennedy Capers

Some while ago, I blogged about a small Cape Kennedy Launch Pad set, I'd come by from the states. A classic Woolworths or seaside shop toy, it replaced one I had as a kid. The combination of delicate plastic and a powerful spring meant that it didn't last long. The cog shaped devices are satellites, which are spring launched from the tip of the rocket after it reaches a height set by a length of cord, which sets off an interior spring catch. Since I've, had it, I've been tempted to open it, but resisted. Yesterday a large box arrived from my great friend Paul Vreede which contained (amongst other delights) a larger carded version of the set.
This one held the same rocket and gantry but was joined with a neat radar telescope too. The blister was held one by a couple of rusty staples, so this time, I liberated the set.
 Its a marvellously simple design, clean and unfussy and nicely scaled for Spacex too.
The Radar telescope is scaled much smaller, judging by the tiny stairs and doorway, but has some great detail.

Although the card is marked Dean plastics, the toy is clearly trademarked in German. The gantry rolls back with a small knurled wheel and astronauts can take a lift to one of two platforms.


  1. That is a terrific toy! Great find on Paul's behalf and a terrific addition to your collection.

  2. Who makes the six-wheeled moon car? Had one when I was a kid and am looking for it again. Mine was brown with a dark boom on the back. Any help will be most appreciated! Please respond to:

  3. Hi Zane, the six wheeled vehicle in the bottom picture is the Tractor T5 made by Triang Spacex. I'll email you you as well.
