Friday 18 January 2013

Frosty Reception

Fears grew today as the redoubtable Commander Wotan was seen leaving the Earth base outpost this morning. As blizzard conditions raged across the Pennines bearing heavy snows and drifting across the blasted landscape that was once Lancashire, a brief contact was made with Wotan earlier today, before communications broke down. A preliminary search in the vacinity located his abandoned IceRat, but the drifts had obliterated any tracks.

A special Spacex Recovery Vehicle was dispatched immediately, its balloon tyres, originally designed for traversing the lunar terrain, enabled the search to proceed quickly across the white expanse. Within a matter of hours Wotan was discovered, safely wrapped in an emergency environment suit.Wotan commented " I was just going for a short walk, I may have been some time.." A stiff shot of scotch and a rub down with one of Earth bases female operatives restored the colour to the Commanders cheeks. Amen and Out.


  1. Cool pics Bill and super writing. Can we expect any snow in your next radio story, Here Be Demons II?

  2. Well theres no snow, but deffo a chilling conclusion!

  3. Perhaps the narrated stories could be put to film using miniatures!
