Friday 25 January 2013



I always loved small toy figures as a kid and I still do. Carpet Wars was often my playtime of choice aged about 7 or 8. The number of times I destroyed the entire massed Airfix ranks with a UFO Interceptor and a die-cast canon loaded with spent matches was almost criminal! 
In the Nineties and Noughties when I used to be an avid car boot buyer I would always come away with at least a handful of plastic soldiers and co such as Timpo, Denys Fisher, Britain's and best of all, the complete unknowns, which I could spend a happy hour or two in the summer garden looking up. Pictured are a few little fellas I netted in previous trawls. Do such small figures find a place in your collection?


  1. Most definitely! It was Little Green Aermy Men that got me into toy collecting. I wanted to do a portable train layout with a vintage Army men theme which led me to Marx, which led me to.... And now I have enough to equip a well starved third world dictatorship with soldiers.

  2. Branston Pickle1/25/2013 7:49 pm

    Was Baron Karzi a Micronauts darth Vader clone d'ya reckon? Did the magnetic jointed limb technology catch on?

  3. chutney slave1/25/2013 8:09 pm

    The baron and force commander reflected star wars very closely, black and white suits and force commander was a dead ringer for a stormtrooper. Both were offshoots of microman line,which used magnemo joints extensively

  4. Travis Bickle1/25/2013 8:14 pm

    Magnemo? You talkin' to me punk?

  5. I feel lucky!
