Sunday 23 December 2012

I'm Dreaming of an Orange Xmas

The big day has come crashing down on me, just as it does every year and despite the signs, I still don't see it coming and always end up doing everything last minute. Still, I suppose if I did things any other way, then I wouldn't be me. But speaking of not being me, brings other people into sharper focus. In a series of quite unconnected events, I've just this week received three rather special toys. Although the means of their arrival was unconnected, they all share a common them - orange!
Orange being incidentally, my second favorite colour - represents enthusiasm, fascination, happiness, creativity and stimulation. Which pretty much sums up my emotional state at the moment!

The first of the items was an ebay win from my good friend Andrew Cook, whos kindly been supplying me with photos of his excavator collection etc. Its a Yot Toys die cast 'Viper' ship.
Secondly, a complete surprise and a real ghost of xmas past, a small plastic Astronit cereal premium.This in itself would be exciting, but the little chap was sent by my very good friend Toad, neatly packed inside an xmas card, which makes it doubly special.
And to bring the article to a fabulous Finnish, the super elusive, not seen for forty-five years LP Moon Bus, which arrived just in time for xmas, from the magnanimous and truly kind spirited Arto. Such gestures as these make my world a special and wonderful place!

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