Wednesday 26 December 2012

Gerry Anderson 1929 - 2012

A very sad day for all us folks whose childhood was enhanced by this man of vision, and certainly all his sci-fi series have been a big influence on us all.
Here's a photo of Gerry taken by my mate and fellow Anderson fan, Andy Kerr at the last Fanderson convention we attended in 2010. On a personal note  Andy and I met up at the second Fanderson convention in 1982, and  have been mates ever since.
God bless, Gerry and thanks for all the good stuff you produced over the years.


  1. I was just checking Google News and I saw this very sad news.
    Thank you for the wonderful contribution you made to my childhood and the lingering memories of those halcyon days.
    Rest in Peace Gerry, your legacy lives on!

  2. A legend. This has made the news in all the UK newspaper websites, which shows what an impact he had. God bless you Gerry and thank you for making my childhood a wonderful time.

  3. I just posted this at Jamie Anderson's website:

    "Stingray and Thunderbirds were my first favorite things, and Gerry Anderson was my first favorite creator. Those shows did so much to shape my earliest feelings of adventure and imagination and heroism. I know he was in a bad way for a while and I’m glad he’s at peace now. But a world that never had Gerry Anderson in it isn’t a world I would recognize."

    The rest of today is going to be hard to get through.

  4. So many childhoods ended today.

    Rest In Peace, Mr. Anderson.

  5. A very sad day indeed.Such an inspiring Genius.
    Rest in Peace Gerry, and great respect to the UK and MOONBASE CENTRAL!

  6. Every day of my life I think, say or do something that is connected to the work of Gerry Anderson, it is part of me and I am deeply grateful.

  7. Terribley sad news. Quite simply the end of an era. I hope Gerry knew just how much he shaped an entire generation and the positive impact he had on the modern world.
    Good Night Gerry, we will always remember you.

  8. Oh, so sad. But such a wonderfull and imaginative old guy. Thunderbirds were a favorite of mine as a kid... and still are. I owe a lot to his visual style and seemingly enless amount of creative ability.

  9. A good innings and few men can cimpete with the legacy he has engineered over many years. I wonder if he realised that puppets would revolutionise the genre back in the sixties. There has been nobody who has even come close to his degree of vision and magic. A great man, but nobody can live forever, however his influence will! FAB Gerry !

  10. Nothing much I can add here. A major influence on both my youth and later life has gone. I will always have fond memories of what he achieved, and I thank him for it, most sincerely.

  11. So influential...a very sad day

  12. I read of his passing while at work and it was like another piece of childhood ripped from me. Rest in Peace Gerry.

  13. We truly lost one of the great ones. God Bless Him.

  14. Like HG Wells, Gene Roddenbury and even Charles Dickens, the vision and legacy of Gerry Anderson will still be felt far beyond the real 21st century where his work will outlive us all. - Thunderbirds Are Go!
