Friday 28 December 2012

Free Inside Every Box

Being a compulsive collector, I always liked the free toys you used to get in breakfast cereals years ago.

The Gerry Anderson inspired stuff is well documented, and nowadays avid collectors with more money than sense will pay an absolute fortune for these tiny pieces of plastic. Well, who am I to judge!
But there was a wealth of other little gems from around the same time that still jog my sense of nostalgia. I don't possess any of these items these days but I do like to be reminded of them through the adverts of the time.

I'm sure you all remember the atomic subs and frogmen that were powered by soap detergent.

Anything connected with outer space was a must have.

And it didn't matter if they broke or got lost, because you knew that the next packet of Wheety Bangs of Sugar Crunchies would contain a fresh toy.
The only downside was if there were several in a set, in which case you'd always have an illusive one that neither you or  your mates had, apart from the one spoilt snivelling brat at school that no one liked. But if he was prepared to do a swap you'd be his pal!
For the larger giveaways you had to collect boxtops and send a postal order.  If you got your parents to take the trouble to sort it you could end up with a cracking little toy.
I think I'd like some Puffed Wheat for breakfast tomorrow, Mum!


  1. Still got my Captian Scarlet models- it was the only reason to eat Sugar Smacks!

  2. You lucky fella, Andy. Great little set, mine are sadly long gone.

  3. These were great! I remember the small plastic firetrucks that were offered. It only took me 50 years to get the complete set!!
