Saturday 1 December 2012


I love miniature toy TV's. I always have and had lots of different types as a nipper in the Sixties: viewmaster types, which you clicked for a new piccy through the tiny eyepeice; the little TV in the Corgi Lincoln Continental and of course Billy Blastoff's. Wote's recent post about Andrew's marvellous Billy knockoff Lunar Scout set reminded me that I'd once found the picture used as its mini TV screen above. Here it is courtesy of Arto, the boxed and wondrous Ray Guided X-2 Space Ship. [below].
Taking a look at the real Billy Blastoff's TV by Eldon/ Scalecraft pictured below, it has a completely different screen picture, though in order to identify it I really need it to be illuminated by Billy's backpack. Can anyone oblige?
Other miniature toy TV pictures welcomed!

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