Sunday 4 November 2012

Thundercats On Sundays

Yes, Thundercats is back. In the UK it's on Sunday mornings. A brand new cartoon at 10.35am Channel 5. I never really got into the original cartoon in the eighties but I was seriously into the toys during the naughties.  Alas, I sold all my TC toys when I was a full-time toy dealer. Above are a couple of snaps of my Thundercats figures before they were re-homed in 2009! I'll be watching this morning! Will you?

1 comment:

  1. I really hate anthropormorphised animals. Making animals into aliens is a real easy cop out. Dr who is a prime example with those ridiculous rhino headed space police. Thundercats and HeMan were typical us cartoons trying to tap the massive japanese anime market. The toys then swamped the market and opened the doors to more fantasy figure lines, none of which touched on my favourite pure space theme until starcom came along. The alien franchise almost got there with the space theme, but fell foul of the animal theme again, with stupid bull aliens and other silliness. Just looked at the tc cartoon and its standard cartoon fare, simple animation and a lot of verbose chattering baddies. Being used to hard core anime like ghost in the shell and appleseed, it cant tempt me!
