Thursday 8 November 2012

The Return Of Scoop

Just got back from a few days of R & R up the Smoke so I thought I'd better do a bit of catch up.

Not had chance to check out Wote’s new story yet but it’s on the agenda. I see Rocket Punch has reached a 5000 mile service - that’s a lot of hits, nice one William. The Sword Annual post by Woodsy also pricked my interest. (b.t.w. Ed, don’t bother with a Thunderbird annual from the nineties - stick to the sixties ones! )

Anyway, back to the return of Scoop. First off I thought I’d share a few of my snapshots with you.


This is a view from Westminster bridge showing a corner of the London Eye. It certainly is a colourful city at night - The future is now!

We came across a good natured and peaceful demo in Trafalgar Square. As it was November 5th loads of people were getting ready to recreate the climax from the film V For Vendetta and march towards Parliament - Now you don’t see that everyday.

If anybody is interested they didn’t actually blow the Houses of Parliament up, although the authorities weren’t taking any chances judging by the police presence.

The Science Museum was a must for me, especially the Space section.

We bought a couple of souvenirs to remind us of the trip. A lovely snow globe showing a London bus.

And I couldn’t visit the capital without buying these two Moebius Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea kits! I’ve been meaning to pick up these kit’s since I did that post on Voyage a while back and when I saw them in a London model shop I thought why not!

All in all, it’s a great city full of great things and great people - they even named a shop after me!!



  1. Nice to have you back Mike. Looks like you had a capital time down the Smoke. The Science museum space bit looks fab. And you've got your own shop! if you open a second branch you shpould call it 'Another Scoop'! Lame I know.

    1. Glad to be back, Woodsy. I've got a few shots from the Science Museum which I plan to post.

      Best not mention your quip. ; D but I did raise a smile.

  2. Love london, a wonderful city. Id love one of those V masks too

    1. They were on sale everywhere. It's ironic but considering part of the protest was about consumerism, the shops and the film franchise will be making a mint!

  3. Love london, a wonderful city. Id love one of those V masks too

  4. Sounds like you had fun Scoop! I'll take your advice on the '60s era annuals - thanx! Looks like Vegas is getting its own version of the Big Wheel. They're building it now at the south end of the Strip and if I'm not mistaken, there was talk of building a second one in that neck of the cactus.

  5. Haven't been in London for many years, and this is making me feel the old withdrawal pangs all overt again!

    (The strange thing is, for a city I always thought of as old it's looking very futuristic in spots now, and I can't really guess what it would be like to see it in person again.)

    1. There's been a lot of redevopment around the southside of the Thames. The old wharfs and warehouses are now cafes and appartments.

      Last time I was in London was the late eighties and although there's still the familar areas you can see a lot of modernisation.
