Saturday 24 November 2012

He Lifts Me Up

I think that given the time of year, I have finally divined the true identity of Santa Claus. Master modeller Kevin Davies has been regularly delivering photographs of his latest creations, but recently has turned his talents to realising the Spacex Interspace Miniature range at 'real' scale and with real-world detailing. This is the latest of his amazing constructions, the Forklift 7.
 The venerable Forklift is probably one of the most recognisable and easily found models in the range of sixties plastic toys and originally appeared in the TV21 strip, Fireball XL5 as illustrated by Mike Noble.
Kevins model is constructed from plasticard and spare parts and is built from scratch. I wonder if I can expect anything nearly as exciting as this under the tree this year ?


  1. This is awesome Kevin. Any chance of a step by step guide to your next build to show us lesser modellers how it's done?

    1. Thanks. Ok, I'll do that next time.

  2. Astronomical Kevin. Awesome. You'll haver enough models soon for your first movie! Top class.

  3. It is lovely! The original has always troubled me forks! How do you get it under a load without damage unless they are 'hover pallets' in which case you don't need a lifter!!

  4. Another amazing creation! And being produced at an amazing pace as well. Absolutely lovely stuff! -- Paul

  5. What are the wheels from kev ?

  6. The wheels are made from some old lego whees I had, which weren't quite big enough, so I glued onto them the fronts of some cheap torches I once bought (because I wanted their reflectors for another project). I sprayed them satin black and then stuck hubcaps from the 'Tiger Joe' tank on them.
