Sunday 18 November 2012

Foot Stompin' Glam Rockin'!

Went to see the glam rock bands Slade and Sweet last night at the Southport Theatre.

What a fantastic night. The place was sold out, filled with fifty and sixty year old somethings - at times the smell of Vick was overpowering. But we were in for a treat. Them old rockers have still got it!

First up was Sweet, or more accurately Andy Scott’s Sweet as he’s the only original band member in it. Although, I’m not taking anything away from the other members. Like Andy Scott, these other lads are all accomplished musicians. Bass guitarist, Pete Lincoln joined Sweet in 2006 and replaces the late Brian Connolly on lead vocals . Keyboardist and guitarist ,Tony O’Hora originally joined in 2003, and after a brief spell away returned to the band. Replacing the late Mick Tucker is drummer Bruce Bisland. Bruce was a stand in drummer for The Sweet in 1991, before joining the band proper in 1992.

The band opened to ‘The Stripper’, as did the original in it’s hey day. Once on stage the loud opening riffs to ‘Hell Raiser’ burst from the speakers - boy, was it loud, and boy was it good! I was right back in 1973. This was no tribute band with a bonus member - this WAS Sweet!

All the hits were there, including ‘Love Is Like Oxygen’ with an addition of E.L.P’s version of ‘Fanfare For The Common Man’, in the middle.

The set ended with the glam rock anthem, ’Ballroom Blitz’.

During the interval, the band, a real friendly bunch, signed copies of their new album and posed with fans for photos.

The years haven't been kind for both of us!

The second half was devoted to Slade. Original guitarist, Dave Hill and drummer, Don Powell are in the line up. Noddy Holder is replaced by Mal McNulty, who joined the band in 2005 as lead vocals. Mal has a look of AC/DC's Brian Johnson about him, and sounds like he gargles with Listerene and broken glass - so he's perfect for the job!
Finally, John Berry substitutes for Jim Lea  on  bass and violin. John has played with many other well known bands including 16 years with Mud and a stint with Brian Connolly’s Sweet.

Slade opened to the sounds of the ‘Thunderbird March’. Run Runaway was their opening number, a later hit but still a rocker. It was obvious that this was Dave Hill’s band as he ran round the stage like a demented pixie. He soon got the audience on their feet as the band wheeled out the old foot stompin’ hits like ‘Cum On Feel The Noise’ and ‘Gudbuy T’ Jane. That’s no mean feat considering the amount of hip replacements that must have been in the room!

The night ended with Slade’s perennial ‘Merry Xmas Everybody’.

If, like me you like a bit of fun coupled with some good old fashioned rock this is for you. If Slade and Sweet come to your town get your tickets booked, you won’t be disappointed!

I've uploaded a live performance from YouTube of Sweet's version of Hello's,' New York Groove'.


  1. I saw Sweet in the 90's at City Gardens in Trenton NJ.Aside from Andy, I have no idea who else played that night.I was just glad to see a Rare performance in a VERY small club.I had all of their 45 rpm records as a kid(Fox on the run,Little Willy,Ballroom Blitz,etc.)Strange coincidence,Sweet did NY Groove , a song that Kiss' Ace Frehley performed.When I saw Ace in concert last year in Atlantic city NJ,he did a cover of Fox on the Run!

  2. Brian, thanks for sharing the memories.

    Sweet have done a studio version of New York Groove on their new album. From what you're saying, sounds like they've used it in their live set for a long while, although as you probably already know, prior to Kiss, glam rock band Hello had the original hit with it in the mid seventies.

    It's good to hear that Ace does a cover of 'Fox on the Run'. I'm guessing it's the album version which I prefer, much rockier - Did Kiss ever do a version of Sweet's 'Action'? - one of my favourite singles

  3. Sounds like one helluva night Scoop! Sweet and Slade in one venue. Wow! I loved 'em both when I was a teeny bopper, along with Mud, Blue Mink and T.Rex. I don't think Sweet and Slade get the credit they deserve really, probably as a result of being glam. But they could rock with the best of 'em. Would have loved to have been there!

  4. Being an old rocker like me , Woodsy I reckon you'd have loved it. If they're coming to your neck of the woods check 'em out you won't regret it.

  5. The only cover of "Action" that I know of was Raven's.To be sure, I looked around on YouTube and I found a very interesting version by The Scorpions under the surname "The Hunters". If you ever wondered what Action would sound like in German, That's your Ticket!

  6. Thanks for the info , Brian . I'll check it out : )
