Friday, 5 October 2012

War Games

 While were on the subject of warplanes, i've come across these old catalogue pages a number of times online. Has anyone got a Air Force Globemaster or Phantom Raider ? Or even a clear copy of toy catalogues showing these cool toys!


  1. No, no and no I'm afraid, but I have got most of the figures!

    I'd like a 'Giant Atomic Army Tank'!

  2. I have two Globemasters - one hanging from The Cave ceiling and a boxed Globemaster set (it's from Ideal) and the hull from the Phamtom Raider. I had bought it in 'desperately needing help'mode to use for another project NUT just never got around to it. Haven't yet blogged the Globemaster, that'll probably be next year sometime.
