Monday, 8 October 2012


About 2 years ago reader Rocket Punch sent me pictures of his book LOST MODELS from Japan. Amongst many cool kits I blogged the following picture of a the boxart of a Jetsons toy with a clear connection to the SWORD Moon Ranger [maker unknown].
Well, as is the way with this blog, two years on Rocket Punch has got back in touch as follows!
"Greetings Woodsy, I just received my copy of your book and it's excellent. You certainly left no stone unturned in your research. In regards to the Moon Ranger, I have some interesting information. For about a year and a half I've been searching for visual information concerning a Japanese Moon Ranger kit. This kit was motorized, it lacked the bulldozer section, and the astronaut operator had been replaced by characters from the American cartoon The Jetsons. Although I'd seen box art, I'd never seen the completed kit. Until now. A photo was sent to me showing the kit at a Japanese model competition. It's exciting to finally see it. Enjoy. Best, RP"

Fantastic RP, just great! Do we have a date of manufacture and make by any chance? Here's the SWORD Moon Ranger again for comparison. What do you think readers?
Picture: Arto


  1. No help on the make, but it's interesting to note it has a pretty generic 'US Tank' drive system!!

  2. Few things elevate a toy like a gleaming plexi-dome canopy; great looking Moon crawler.

  3. Wonderful toy indeed. The box art seems to include little Elroy inside the back dome, wonder if he has escaped ...

  4. Company is GRIP.Same company that made the 1/72 private planes,cessna 172,fuji,O-2.
