Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Japanese Booster Rocket Candy - New to the Blog

Reader Ed Tarboosh has sent me these excellent scans of magazine ads from Japan. They show a Booster Rocket pictured on the front of a Japanese box of candy. I'm unsure which make this is: Morinaga? Glico? Whether the Booster Rocket is actually a toy or model that came with the candy is unknown too. It's still a super image and completely new to the blog. Here it is in close up and the Project SWORD version appears below for comparison. The original painting was of course by the late Ed Valigursky.


  1. Interesting to see the blue merhall space car and orange thunderball sub on the box too!

  2. Interesting to see the blue merhall space car and orange thunderball sub on the box too!
