Friday, 12 October 2012

Dig the New Breed

Things have been moving pretty swiftly here at Moonbase Central as we roll into our fifth year, so I felt it was important to update our roll call. Following on from the recent dramatisation of the exploits of Wotan in the Darkside serial, Celtica Radio and the generous Mr Bill Everratt are devoting more air time to interview Woodsy and Wotan in the latest of a regular series of SWORDcasts this evening. We hope you will be able to tune in live or catch the podcast or Listen Again transmission, later in the evening.

Listen Again


  1. Great and v. witty thumbnail sketches folks!

  2. my god were a dodgy looking bunch

  3. Atually quite a handsome trio of square-jawed commanders; all looking seriously to the left (direction of incoming adventure and peril, no doubt).

  4. In the best tradition of the SWORD Annual!

    Great listening once more guys, Moonbase Central is really becoming an on-air household name through Celtica Radio. Well done.

    Cheers Arto
