Sunday, 14 October 2012


This was one of my fave toys as a kid in the 1960's, part of my tin Big Four: Desert Patrol Jeep, Mod Monster, Space Frontier Rocket and the Lunar Explorer. I loved them all. Mum and Dad threw them all out when I turned into a spotty teenager. I got new ones when I was no longer spotty. My current Desert Patrol Jeep was bought for £65 in the late 1990's. A battery-operated bump 'n' go flashing -turretted tinplate terror! Anyone else got one or similar?


  1. saw one of these without the back gunner at the car boot last week - but it was on one of the rip off antique stalls!

  2. I take it it was dear Wote?

  3. lets say it would have blown the mars base hospitality budget for a year!

  4. hi, I'm new in the site ! is really cool !!! I have the DESERT PATROL JEEP MIB...

  5. Hi 80chentoys, welcome to Moonbase Central. the Desert patrol Jeep is indeed a cool toy. if you have a MIB one I hope its on display with a nice light on it! Enjoy your toy and enjoy the Moonbase blog.
