Wednesday, 26 September 2012

The Real Project SWORD Plan

Just when you imagine you've seen it all and nothing can surprise you, just when you have managed to convince all the skeptics and propellor heads that the moon landings did actually take place and weren't staged in a big Disney backlot and that Roswell film was really a fake, something comes along that makes you wonder.

The Rockwell International Integrated Space Plan is allegedly a real document which was formulated in the 80's and details plans for human expansion into near space and colonisation of exo-planets. Whether this is a real theoretical document or a clever fabrication, ill let you decide, but it does makeinteresting reading as it slightly mirrors the ambitions of SWORD to colonise the displaced population of a dying Earth.

Its a big file and takes a while to download, but worth having a look at!

The Rockwell International Integrated Space Plan 


  1. THAT is an excellent link! The quest for space is still a real one. The world has changed, our economies aren't doing well, NASA is a shadow of its former self but I think there's still a lot of people who have the dream and some who have the money, drive, and resources to make things happen. Perhaps it is in the quest for space that our real future lies.

    1. It's an amazing chart- I just hope it is real, the possibilities are amazing!
