Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Second Stage Separation

 During my visit to Moonbase recently, I had the rare opportunity to compare the Project SWORD Probe Force Flight 2 with the Tarheel//Durham Industries NOVA I rocket. Ive added two makers in here, because ive got the NOVA 3 which has Durham trademarks on, but Woodstock has all three boxed by Tarheel.
 The NOVA I has so far managed to elude me, although I have found two of the other models, so it was very revealing to finally see the rocket up close. Previously, i'd only seen photographs of each toy separately, so it was an ideal opportunity to compare them both. The rear of the rocket clearly derives directly from Thunderbird 3, with only a minor change of including a large green motor ring on the back and additional nozzles on the nacelles.
These are very reminiscent of the standard black nozzles on the Task and Scout Force SWORD models. I had always assumed the front section was an almost straight lift from the Probe Force 2, but as we can see, the similarity is cosmetic only. A fine toy and one near the top of my ever expanding 'wants' list!

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