Thursday, 13 September 2012

Satellite Sci Fi

If you haven't got cable or satellite TV, like I haven't, then there's very slim pickings on the box when it comes to Sci Fi in the UK. OK there's re-runs of Red Dwarf and Stargate but that's about it. Am I missing out? What's your experience of Sci Fi on Cable, Sky or Satellite TV? Any good?


  1. Sci-Fi Channel here has some good runs (ie. new Battlestar Galactica, new and old Dr.WHO, various TREKs, and the odd holiday marathon). Like most channels they have a share of un-watchable dross. I still lean heavily on my DVD collection for fave SciFi movies and shows; so I'd say you are not missing out on anything that can't be watched on the net or recovered. Besides...with re-runs of RED Dwarf, what more could you ask for?

  2. Sky doesn't do brilliantly for old TVSF, most 'Trek' is on, but only modern era Doctor Who, none of the Anderson series and I can't recall Blakes 7 ever being shown. Stick to DVD for the classic stuff!

  3. I'm with CS - the Sci-Fi channel is mostly discardable TV smarm. There are several channels which play a lot of the Star Wars movies and lately the most recent "Star Trek" movie has been airing. TCM has been showing Gerry Anderson stuff early Saturday mornings (about 6am local) but the past couple of months they've aired some really good oldies "Forbidden Planet", "The Blog", and many of the '50s/'60s Japanese monster flicks.
