Sunday, 30 September 2012

Master Models On Film!

A couple of years ago I found some footage of a model making firm on British Pathe's online archive. Could it be Master Models, who made the Zero-X for Derek Meddings? Certainly they can be seen working on Mac's Car at the end of the clip!

The Pathe notes describes the firm being located in Hounslow, which I can see on Google Maps is just 13 miles from Slough Trading Estate, home of Century 21. But the final proof comes when you compare stills of the chap working on Mac's Car from Master Model's own online archive with those of British Pathe. Despite one being colour and the other monochrome, they are quite clearly the same chap!

Compare them for yourselves [can't show copyrighted material here but you can split your screen to compare the two stills]:

2. British Pathe still
[be patient, wait for clip 2.03 - 2 minutes 3 seconds - to appear at the bottom]
So, without further ado, watch original footage of Master Models in 1968, makers of Joe's 90's Car, various Thunderbirds craft and Zero-X for one Derek Meddings!

And the icing on the cake, you can see all the famous model vehicles in one shot on Master Models site, including Zero-X, here!

Wonder who the modellers are? Did they go on to even greater things?

1 comment:

  1. I once lived in Hounslow for about a year, and it's just as well I wasn't aware of this historic connection or I'd have driven myself to distraction trying to find their former location...which would have been a crushing disappointment if they'd already moved by then.
