Saturday, 1 September 2012


Arto's solution to the mysterious cracker toy has sent me off looking for more EXPLORING SPACE carded sets. The trouble with the blog is that I forget what we've covered and it would seem that we looked at these sets back in 2010, as my google search brought me back to Moonbase!
The EXPLORING SPACE sets all appear to have the same backing card and appealing header art, a different coloured fish ship and an astronaut in various positions. There's also a set containing just four of the astronauts. Back in 2010 reader Maverick said that they were MPC copies.
The question still remains: where is the odd fish-like spaceship design from? and who is sat in the ship?


  1. Don't know where the design came from, but pretty sure I had one of these from a larger space set years ago. I wasn't impressed, as it was very crude without even an underside, just clipped-in plastic wheels.

  2. Woodsy, afew days back you were talking about lists and such. I keep track of my blog posts using an Excel spreadsheet. So far it's gone through a couple of revisions but I've only repeated one post by accident. It's not perfect but it helps.

    I have a carded space ship from Argentina and its packaging looks a lot like these. I wanted to get more from the series but they're a tad pricey now.
