Sunday, 23 September 2012

B.A.D.D.I.E.S Have Stole Our Birthday Cake

There are so many abbreviated global networks of goodies and baddies liberally sprinkled throughout Gerry Anderson's and other Sixties series, comics and films, you could get a bad case of acronymitus!
It's easy to make 'em up: B.U.R.P, F.L.U.M.P, H.E.C.K and C.A.R.B.U.N.C.L.E! But what where the real ones from Thunderbirds, Scarlet, UFO, James Bond, Man From UNCLE [oops, that's one there!], Marvel Comics or other classics.
I'll kick the acronyms off with, you've guessed it, S.W.O.R.D, Space World Organisation for Research and Development!
There, I've thrown down the G.A.U.N.T.L.E.T!
O.N.E per reader in the comments please! Last one's a N.I.N.N.Y!


  1. UFO. SHADO - Supreme Headquarters Alien Defence Organisation

  2. S.I.G. Cmdr Woodsy!

  3. I'm counting this as one go as they're from the same series and the second one's a bit dubious as I read it in one of the paperbacks : )

    U.N.C.L.E. - United Network for Command and Law Enforcement, and it's antagonist, T.H.R.U.S.H. - Technological Hierarchy for the Removal of Undesirables and the Subdjugation of Humanity!!

  4. Well done guys! What does SIG mean?

  5. Basically, Okey-dokey :)

  6. PWOR, from 'Stingray', which I think means, 'Proceeding with orders received'?

  7. H.E.L.L. (Human Engineering Life Labratories) from the first Marvel comics run of MICRONAUTS comics. They did battle with another more famous Marvel acronym-named institution...anybody?

  8. CS, was it S.H.I.E.L.D?

  9. I'd just like to toss in the World Aquanaut Security Patrol. Am I the only one, or did it bother anyone else their acronym was an insect rather than a sea creature?

  10. SHIELD it was Woodsy! (Supreme Headquarters International Espionage Law-Enforcement Division)...quite a reach, but they certainly stuck to it.

  11. See what you mean Richard. They could have had W.A.S.H or W.A.D.E or?

  12. CAOC - Combined Air & Space Operations Center (okay, I'm cheating here - let's see if anyone knows how) :-)
