Thursday, 9 August 2012

Scaling The Heights

Scale is always a hot potato when it comes to Gerry Anderson's plethora of vehicles. SWORD is no exception and Wotan and I discussed this very subject during his recent beam-up to Moonbase. There are many ways to approach the subject - SOLO strip, TV21 illustrations, the SWORD Annual, the Manual, the box art and/or the toys themselves.  

Thunderbirds fans have already had a go at cracking the scale nut and above is one in metres that appears on Wikimedia [Nigel Sadler 2009]. Nigel appears to have used the Carlton toys of the early 1990's - agreed?  Interestingly for me, being a Thunderbirds scale novice, TB5 is HUGE compared to the rest of the fleet with TB3 a close second. There is another more stylised version in feet on Deviant Art [harnois 75].

The subject of scale is one that Wotan and I will return to soon but this will hopefully whet the appetite of reader Bill E, with whom we recently chinwagged about this very thing. Any SWORD scale theories/ methods/ attempts you may have gratefully received!

1 comment:

  1. The scale of models is a really tricky issue. It is something I was even aware of as a kid, realising that some spaceships were just too small for toy spacemen to fit inside.

    I would have thought the starting point for SWORD toys would be the model astronaut inside -though I know Woodsy thinks PF2 is larger than the crewman in the cockpit would suggest!

    As for that Thunderbirds chart, well, it looks like TB4 would be lost inside the TB2 pod!
