Monday, 27 August 2012

Per Ardua

Further to my earlier post with Andy B's new SWORD advert, here is the extant SWORD half page advert from Buster comic, 1968 07 - December. Might take a little work to find a copy of the comic, but we would be more than grateful to see a full size, clear scan of the piece! Can anyone help ?


  1. Yes please, a better scan. As I'm sure you pointed out the first time you posted this little beauty Wote, the illustrations are a mix of colour art from the SWORD Annual pictures and toy box art. Beautiful. It could so easilly have been in colour!

  2. Interesting to see the Scout model included, as I have always considered the Scouts as latecomers to the range. Nice pic by Mike B too!

  3. Thanks Andy.

    Yes, it would seem the Scouts were the last of the line. Different box artwork and typeface plus a spec sheet rather than the manual. Nice additions though.
