Friday, 24 August 2012


Here are more exciting landscape elements from Charles Archive! Marx interlocking terrain units, Mega Bloks Treasure Island, HeroQuest RPG elements and the rather excellent Necronomicon scene, issued briefly by McFarlane. Apparently other scenes were promised, but the fabulous line was dropped. Probably terrified the hell out of the kids in Toys R Us!

Mega Bloks Treasure Island

Hero Quest terrain elements



  1. Yes, Mcfarlane toys had planned a series of these 3-D Giger art releases which were to interlock, to form what they called a "temple environment". Imagine the nightmares generated by play-time as your green army men navigate rooms and hallways of these images.

  2. thats a missed opportunity, the Gigeresque eggchamber from Alien would make a great landscape and the surface of Acheron, with its organic, flowing rock..
