Thursday, 30 August 2012


As the blog's fourth birthday on the 15th September approaches [watch this space!] I'm starting to feel nostalgic about how it all started. I wondered what I posted today in 2008? Well, nothing, as it didn't exist then, so here's today's post from the same date back in August 2009. District 9 was on at the cinema and I was still in my forties!
The Moonbase library has grown a bit this summer with some great Century 21 finds: Topo Gigio, TV21 Summer Special, SiG, Action 21, Anderpup, Monkees and a particular favourite, the CANDY and ANDY Annual 1967. Concerning the lives of two dolls who live with panda teddies who run a toy shop, the Annual is choc-full of surprises!
The first surprise is the number of pictures of 1960's Century 21 and other toys on the shelves of the toy shop. See how many you can spot in the next two pictures! The first full answer emailed here will get a small plastic and modern LP-like astronaut sent in the post!
There is also an advertisement for CANDY comic - below. I've never seen this. Has anyone got any and are there any toy adverts in them?
Probably the biggest surprise are the three wonderful short THUNDERBIRDS strips. Rendered in very attractive pastels and aimed at smaller children, they are quite hypnotic! I love the reversed-L panel at the end of each strip - where else would you see TB2 blasting off over a boy and a deer! Classic!


  1. I had this annual as a hand-me-down from older kids in the early '70s. I was about 4. I found it vaguely scary.. Put me off sci-fi for life! Still odd finding it again on the interweb! Cheers for the post.

    1. Its a shame that Candy and Andy put you off Sci-fi for life Boo! I hope you don't mean that! You've got a good memory if you recall the annual from when you were 4. I wish I could remember that far back!
