Thursday, 7 June 2012

"Stuff your eyes with wonder, live as if you'd drop dead in ten seconds. See the world. It's more fantastic than any dream made or paid for in factories." 

R.I.P - Ray Douglas Bradbury August 22, 1920 – June 5, 2012 


  1. Very sad news. Such a great modern mind. I can't believe its 50 years since he wrote Fahrenheit 451 and the Martian Chronicles, which I've promised myself that I'll now read this summer. I've put ot off far too long. "Live Forever" Ray! RIP.

  2. You didnt write to him by any chance did you ?

  3. Alas, no. Wish I had. Do you remember the martian Chronicles on telly back in the 70's? Wasn't it Rock Hudson in the lead?

  4. yep - Rock Hudson was in it, couldnt handle the boats floating on the sand though, the effects were appalling. Bradbury was behind a lot of good telly like the outer limits episodes and even a bit of Trek i think.

  5. There's a funny song sort-of about Ray Bradbury by Rachel Bloom. But the title is too rude for me to post here. Have a look on YouTube - it's bound to be there.

  6. I don't recall him having anything to do with Star Trek. You aren't getting mixed up with Harlan "egotistical" Ellison, are you?

  7. Star Trek Encylcopedia says: Ray Bradbury was a friend of Gene Roddenberry but no direct credit of writing or consulting on Star Trek (There is a "USS Bradbury" Starship in here though).
    The Martian Chronicles TV mini-series did have some nice costumes(those masks the Martians wore!) but I agree certainly deserve a re-do with new effects.

  8. Yep - immediately after I posted I realised I got my wires crossed with Harlan Ellison
