Saturday, 9 June 2012


Having sorted the duplication of the Moon Buggy in my SpaceX 37 gallery spotted by both Darth and Paul V, what constitutes the list of 37 toys in the SpaceX range still remains an intriguing question. Does it include, as Toad suggests, Soyuz 6 and 7 separately? Are the the Apollo and LEM sperate toys? Does it, as Paul suggests, include the two Apollo craft as one, and the two Soyuz craft as two? Or does it perhaps include the 2 Moon Base boxed sets?

In an attempt to shed some further light on this I've had a look at some of the other adverts and articles I have in my archives, courtesy of the ever-helpful Toad and Will Osborne.

The top picture could suggest that 1970's LEM and Apollo were two separate toys given that the names are divided by a slash.

The next pictures of 15 Spacex I vehicles doesn't really help, although it does perhaps suggest that less than half of the 37 toys were available in summer 1969.

The third and fourth pictures [the fourth being an extract of the third] don't mention the number of toys available in Summer 1969. However it does introduce the concept of SpaceX Major i.e. the Nuclear Pulse, MLP and Moon Base HQ. Are these all part of the 37 total toys? Is SpaceX Major mentioned anywhere else?

Interestingly the article does suggest that four times as many SpaceX toys were being sold outside the UK as within it. No wonder there's currently so many turning up online in Canada!


  1. The spacex majors all appeared as part of the original cardBack lists, so I'd say they figure as part of the range. All the ads are aimed at trade outlets, so I'd suggest the list of 37 would originate from a production point of view, which would mean that each individual model would count as one. So Apollo, Lem , soyuz6, Soyuz 7 would be four models.

  2. To make it more confusing, there's the renaming of terrain tiger and lift loader to contend with!

  3. So it was also known as Terrain Tiger in the UK? When did that happen?

  4. The ga version of the tractor is orange and named terrain tiger, forklift 7 is referred to as lift loader. Space patrol is also rebranded space police

  5. What a quick trip down memory lane! I used to collect this series when I was young, being given one each week by my Mum...if I had been good. Favourites were the Needle ship, the helecopter and space frieghter. I also had the Moon base and luner rover. These were among my most treasured toys...I wish I had hung on to them.

    Jim.... In Oxfordshire, UK.
