Tuesday, 12 June 2012

GOLDEN ADVERTS: The Advertising of Multiple Toymakers Golden Astronaut toys

Raiding my old photo archive for pics of US Golden Astronaut advertising has revealed the above bits and pieces. Not a great deal really so I'm sure there must be more out there somewhere.

The colour catalogue pages are from JC Penneys. For $8.88 you could get all 'four sets', which it describes in some detail. Interestingly it includes a blue Nuclear Pulse and a yellow Space Patrol 1, which we've discussed before on the blog but I do just love 'em!

The black and white Montgomery Wards catalogue page advertises their 'big astro set exclusive at Wards' and, assuming they're the same, it cost a whole $2 less than Penneys! Did the Wards set have 'exclusive' packaging?

The 'Cape Multiple' trade ad is interesting as it suggests that Multiple Toymakers ran out of stock of Golden Astronaut at some point presumably around 1970 [I wonder if Sales Manager Bob Barrett is still with us?]. This ad might well have been part of my own collection had it not got lost on the post somewhere between the States and Blighty several years ago after I shelled out for it on Feebay. Golden drats! I've a feeling the original picture was in colour. Does anyone know?

The legal 'Notice to the Trade' is also of note as it suggests, albeit obscured by the ebay seller, that Multiple Toymakers/ Miner Industries were sick of bootlegs and knockoffs of Golden Astronaut. There were so many, wonder which they took to court? It must be on file somewhere. I'm assuming they didn't mean Tri-ang SpaceX!

The final pic is of the mythical Golden Astronaut Club badge and ID card, which I got from Ebay a few years ago - the picture that is. Wonder what else you got as a member or was this it? Anyone know?


  1. The "Cape Multiple" advert is in B/W. And I've spent quite a bit of time finding Mr Barrett but to no avail I fear...


  2. Those are some great lookin' sets!

  3. Oh S.T.A.R. Team, I still wish I'd gotten that beautiful helmet...
