Saturday, 21 April 2012

Wonderful Weekends

Like everyone I love the weekend. No work. Just do what you want to do. Well, a few chores as well maybe. When I was a wee anklebiter, Saturdays were always the bees knees. Totally exciting and far better than boring old Sundays. Saturday is when I went out with my young pals down the local park on our bikes or, later on, up town to buy comics and drink vimto and ice cream. Sundays meant Eleven O' Clock Mass, family visits and the inevitable early to bed for the dreaded start of another week at school!

Nowadays, all growed up, I love both days equally. Off work for two whole days and as I'm not a great shopper they both feel like one big relaxing time. Now Spring has sprung, the Moonbasers love just pottering around in the house or garden, with the occassional outburst of energy necessary to sustain life such as get food, cook, check on other family members, write, read, mess with toys and blog.

Oddly enough Friday nights have become more and more exciting over the years [maybe they always were, I forget!]. The combination of finishing work with no work in the morning and the prospect of a lie-in is a heady one and somehow different to the rest of the weekend.

But some folk have a weekend at other times of the week due to work rotas and even have days off when the rest of us are labouring. So what's your favourite day?


  1. Wonderful indeed! Experiencing similar weekends (past & present) across the Atlantic Woodsy! Friday after school was bliss; Saturday bliss. Sunday evenings were tempered by Disney on tv...BUT... when the end credits for the old CBC show 'Beachcombers' rolled, the music was like a song of doom. Off to bed and yes Monday morning/school was not far off.

  2. Wow, what I could not say about the weekly magical event of Friday!
    My much dreaded school over for two days, my absolute favourite programmes on TV on Friday dinner time..."Lost In Space" and "Thunderbirds", "Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea", "Time Tunnel" and "Land Of The Giants", what a golden age!
    Not even to mention "Appointment With Fear" and the Hammer Horrors they screened back then on Friday nights!
    Plus the knowledge that there was a good 60 hours until school started again...yes I used to count the hours.
    I was at a particularly brutal catholic school for two years...Sunday became a particularly miserable day for's the only part of my childhood I don't miss!

  3. Sounds utterly vile, eviled. I'm glad that is over and done for you.

    I had something along similar lines, but not as bad. I was in an awful (truly AWFUL) job. I dreaded each work day. Friday evening was a wonderful release. Two days away from that hell!

    But come Sunday evening, all the dread came creeping back in. I'd be almost in tears by the time the closing credits for Last of the Summer Wine began playing. (How I longed to spend my days doing crazy things like they did in the programme!)

    Thankfully, those days are long past me and I don't miss them one tiny bit!
