Monday, 16 April 2012

Twenty Million Reasons

Fellow monster fan EvilEd gave me the heads up on a TV airing of Twenty Million Miles To Earth this afternoon on UK TV. Loving everything about the film - the rocket and Ymir - I managed to catch the second half after work. This reminded me of the various posters and 'stills' I've put on the blog over the last few years inspired by the film, which I've grouped here.

and, my personal favourite, back in 2010 I even had a go at a short comic strip involving Ymir. GRR!

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures Woodsey!
    Glad you caught the second half of the film, I went and missed it...head like a sieve these days!
    I remember first seeing the Ymir in one of my Horror Film books as a kid and it seemed years I waited before they actually put the film on TV and I finally saw it. I have to say I was not disappointed at is a classic.

    I loved his tail with the fork at the end...I have to admit that it was not an infrequent sight to see one of my toy monsters and even my little King Kong with a rather nice plasticine version of it!
