Friday, 20 April 2012


As you know I'm a bit of a Mini SWORD nut. I recently had the good fortune to, with a lot of help from Terry H, to acquire the above small green Saturn rocket along with the cool yellow and red robo-tank. To my utter amazement, the Saturn rocket turns out to be another in the miniature SWORD series from Japan, which Wotan and Terry first discovered in 2010. Talk about thrilled! I was proper apolloed! Examining the rocket I saw that there was a number on the undercarriage as there is with the others already found. This Saturn rocket is numbered 6 or 9 [hard to say which]. This takes the toys Wote and I know about to six, as follows [name and model number]:

Dyna Soar  - 2
Apollo Saturn - 6 or 9
Task Force 2 - 11
Task Force 3 - 14
Probe Force 3 - No number
Scout 2 - No number

Now I had thought that the model numbering might follow the order of appearance in the SWORD Manual but I can't get these to fit at all. If there are actually another 16 of these miniatures making up the 19 in the SWORD range, then 13 are still missing! The number 14 on the Task Force 3 bodes well as it's suggests there's at least 14 miniatures! If anyone has any idea what the numbering might relate to, if anything, I'd love to hear from you.

In the meantime I've taken some snaps of my new diminutive green machine along with a medley of the Japanese miniatures discussed above [far left, three rockets], Takeuchi SWORD erasers [from red Space Glider to yellow Scout 2, six in all] and a blue Weeto's Saturn V gantry to set the scene.
I started getting excited and took a few snaps pf a Spacex Nuclear Ferry cab and a mini SPV from the 1990's Captain Scarlet Board Game, which I recently found online on a spare parts site.
And by way of a finale, Wotan kindly helped me photoshoperise a full fantasy set of mini SWORD, a heady cocktail of Japanese minis, Takeuchi erasers, Weeto's Saturn and gantry, Mexican Booster [Wote's], Imai Prospector, Aoshima Moon Crawler, Marx Dozer, custom Scout 3 [Imperial Battle Cruiser] and party favour OX and PF1. One day, one day!

1 comment:

  1. it wouldnt be a great stretch of the imagination to assume that the eraser set found their way into plastic versions or that they were concurrent in production dates. They are fine little models though!
