Sunday, 22 April 2012

Shelf Life

On a rare trip into Wakefield, our local town, I stumbled upon three potential collectables in the shops. In WH Smith was this new Thundercats comic No.1, £2.99, with a free Sword of Omens! They're back! If you've got kids this is a must. Don't forget to put one away for posterity!
Also nestling in the shelves of WH Smith is this more expensive magazine [more a softback book really], Spaceships of Science Fiction at £7.99 It covers the likes of Destination Moon, Star Trek, UFO and Battlestar Galactica. Volume 2 must be coming out soon. One for the bookshelf?
And finally, in Poundland or Poundworld [I forget sorry] are these cool TRON LEGACY die-cast vehicles, for, yep, a pound each. They come carded but I found this shot onlibe of them all loose. Maybe a future collectable?
Are there any interesting collectables in your shops?


  1. ill have to find those Tron toys,especially the white cycle! As to Thundercats, I really dont understand what the current trend is for regurgitating o;d tv programmes. The A Team film was apalling, Get Smart etc and now Thundercats. It was bad enough first time round! is there no originality left anymore ? Thunderbirds was ruined by a god awful film and the cgi version of Captain Scarlet didnt do the original any favours. Its just rehashing the same stuff for a new audience. Spiderman is getting a reboot shortly too, but then that does need it!

  2. I don't even know what Thundercats is (or was). Haven't seen the A Team film - in fact I didn't know there was one. The Get Smart film had it's moments.

    Thunderbirds was , I agree, awful. Which is a pity, cos I believe Jonathan Frakes' heart was in the right place. He just didn't "get" it ... at least, not for most fans of the original. (although I did like the portrayal of Parker in the film!)

    To be honest, I didn't even like the updated Thunderbird craft. I thik you do? But for me they were soulless ... dunno why.

    But I have to disagree with you about the CGI Captain Scarlet. That is one of the shows to which I return most often.

    Again, I was less taken by the updated craft ... some were good, others less so. (Those HUGE Russian tanks - Druszhnics? - were awesome!). But the stories were much more character driven than the original, and that's what grabs me. I like the way those characters have been "updated", and the presence of female colour-agents.

    The stories were good too, being well-paced and packed with an amazing amount, given the short length.

    I had grave doubts about the series when I first heard of it. But all that was unfounded, I am pleased to say.

    On the other hand, the update I have loathed is the Nu Doctor Who. I tried and hoped, and hoped and tried, but I hated it. Thank heavens for Micky (or was it Ricky?) .,. and Donna - the only characters who made it bearable. And, yes, I kind of like the Matt Smith Doctor. But the series falls sadly short of what I'd like to see.

    1. Well its probably me being an old fogey.As a stand alone, the CGI scarlet series was good, the characterisations were nice, but the vehicles seemed too far removed from the originals. Like Tbirds, it had a lot to live up to. Maybe its that nostalgic sense of magic thats missing from the new versions, that sense of wow - not seen anything like this before! Get Smart had Anne Hathaway, whi is always good to see with her amazing smile, but its the regurgitation of stuff that really didnt need to be remade that bugs me. Dr Who has suffered a lot over the years,Ive not enjoyed it since Tom Baker and avoided the wilderness years of Peter Davidson and McCoy etc, until Tennant arrived and made it his own. The inclusion of random celebrities and that god awful comiedienne woman seemed utterly pointless though. The new guy lacks depth of character and seems to be emulating his earlier peers in some ways and also cant carry off the darker edge that Tennant left it with before he retired. The Daleks however are awesome. They were good before, but making them moderna and taller, makes them even more menacing.
