Friday, 27 April 2012

Corgi Rockets Sky Park

You know those eureka moments? The sort where you remember something that you'd long forgotten. I had one last night watching one of BBC2's programmes celebrating the 1970's. Britt Ekland was presenting. the eureka moment came when some footage of kids playing with Corgi Rockets was shown. And there it was, the Rockets Sky Park! Wow! I'd completely forgotten about it despite spending hours parking up my Carabo and Mercedes and the rest of the rockets. It must have been battery operated? Worthy of inclusion in the worlds of Century 21, what a fantastic and futuristic toy it was! Coincidentally my nephew's young son has got some new rockets-style track in his bedroom. It's clamped to a chair just like I used to do. There's even two loop the loops! I'm glad playing with cars on tracks is still around. Did you have any Corgi Rockets or Superfast track for your favourites? Which were the fastest - Hot Wheels?
pic: ebay


  1. Nothing much beats the original HW redlines, Paul. One of my sons once found a beat-up 1st series Custom Cuda in a scrap box under a table at the local swapmeet here in Brussels, and it was there and then the fastest little car he had.
    And I was glad I could amass enough regular HW track from local American families' garage sales in my neighbourhood that my sons could fill a room with the stuff (using my old supercharger too, which is one of the few HW bits that survive from way back when).
    When young I also had later HW as well as MB Superfast (incl the Alfa Carabo ;) and a number of Corgi Rockets, but the first series' HW models usually won!


  2. Hot Wheels, but I always though Matchbox Superfast had the cooler cars. Matchbox track fitted exactly into the Hot Wheels tracks but Hot Wheels had far more exciting track accessories - the garage, the figure 8 etc. The Carabo is mny favourite Superfast. Never did get the Corgi Rockets version. I think I could only get Corgi from the toy shop whereas Matchbox were in every newspaper shop.

  3. I have friend who recorded the programme, so I'll try to post the section you mention a.s.a.p.

  4. That's cool Toad. I used to love the keys that came with Corgi Rockets. Things of beauty in themselves. Turning them in the chassis plate was a joy - a little twist and off popped the baseplate! Oh what fun!

  5. Major embarrassment ahead: Toad got mixed up with programmes. She thought you meant the new series being broadcast on Monday nights, not the "I love 197*" repeats.

    Put it down to old age ... the dear is getting on a bit.

    So, sorry, but no clip available ... unless someone else recorded it? (Toad asks hopefully)

  6. I'm collecting Corgi Toys and i was please i found the Corgi Skypark on Ebay. A man from Southampton was kind enough to bring it to London when i was on a citytrip in London. I live in Belgium.I also have some Corgi Electro Rockets cars. I had to do a restoration on all of them because they were all coroded from the battery inside( for 40 years)But i got 6 of them working.

  7. I 'm still looking for the Corgi Electro Rockets car 4002 Alfa Romeo Montreal with sizzlers(Mabuschi) engine. Corgi toys has made two Electro Rockets car. The Alfa Romeo Montreal and the Ital Design Bizzarrini Manta.But the Montreal was made with 2 different engines but the Montreal with the sizzlers(Mabuschi) engine is hard to find.

  8. Ive got the Manta, sadly in poor shape again due to the deterioration af the battery inside the box. I never saw the other versions

  9. Im still looking for a big key off the top of my Skypark!

  10. Wotan, would you sell the Manta?

    1. I probably would, its in the original foam, with a card sleeve, but the purple varnish has come off leaving a gold sheen. I think the battery is completely corroded now too. ill have to find it and report back, ive not seen it for some time in the attic.

  11. OK, thank you. I have a Skypark with the big key on top. But i don't have the parkingbay selector key.
    I have restored a few of the Corgi Electro Cars. The contacts were coroded from the battery that was in the car for a long time.Also the little brushes in the engine were coroded but you can fix that. Let me know if you have foud the car. Are there some other things from Corgi Rockets that you sell? Thank you.

  12. I found the parking bay selector key

  13. I located the Manta. as i thought its in poor shape. batter is gone and mechanism is green and corroded. Fumes from the acid in the box have lifted almost all the paintwork. If you want it, drop me a line

  14. Yes, i will buy it. Can you let me know where you live and how much you want for the Manta.

  15. When you're still are looking for the big key, there is a Skypark for sale on ebay.

  16. Thank you for the gift.

  17. Is there something from Corgi Toys that you want. When i have it i can sent it to you.

    1. The only thing I need is the big key from the top of the Skypark!

    2. OK, i shall see if i find one for you.

  18. Here is an idea: 3D printer.

  19. There is a Corgi Skypark for sale on Ebay who has the big golden key.

  20. Somebody i knows has made a drawing of the big golden skypark key and is going to 3D print it for me. He is going to sent me the stl file so i can 3D print it myself.Can you send me your adress so i can mail you the big golden skypark key. Thank you and kind regards.

  21. Somebody i know has made a drawing of the Big golden skypark key and is going to 3D print it for me. He is going to sent me the file so i can 3D print it myself. Can i have your adress please so i can sent you the key. Thank you and kind regards.

  22. Today the 3D key has arrived. It is black. I'm going to paint it gold and then sent it to you.Can you sent me your adress again please because i don't find the e-mail you have sent me.
    Thank you and kind regards.
