Friday, 13 April 2012


2012 has been a great year for bootleg Spacex toys from Mexico. Earlier in the year I blogged a black P3 Helicopter clone I found on flickr [pictured below in the middle]. Later I spotted a yellow T3 - Tractor lookalike on Feebay pictured below, which I'm pleased to sat now belongs to a fellow Spacex fan. Last but not least a bootleg R&L mini-kit of the Booster Rocket, snagged by our very Wotan. Pictured below is Wote's lovely built and painted model.
R&L Cereal premium mini-models surfaced again on Ebay in the form of this old bag of CRIATURAS EXTRANUS by plasticos Cristy. Stuffed full of Crater Critters, it also contains several Molabs in different colours. They appear to be toys rather than models. They are very difficult to see on the bag so I've included a picture of an orange mini-model below to give you an idea of what they probably look like. I'd be very interested to hear from anyone who has a bag of these toys.
Finally, Ebay also threw up a whole flotilla of fabulous R&L cereal mini-kits, many of which appear to be have been possibly inspired by the art of Edward Valigursky in the seminal Man and Space book. They include a Nova Rocket, a Booster Rocket [the same as Wotan's] and two Lunar Modules all pictured below still on their sprues. All that's missing from a possible Valigursky inspiration is a MEV model. Does one exist? Their was also a Saturn V and MLP in the range.
The Saturn V and MLP are now in the Moon Base collection and are pictured here on the sprue and also built up. There are some small parts I have left off the model as I'm unsure exactly where they go! I feel as though the gantry should have also been part of this kit but it could be a different kit altogether. Does anyone know?
I would be interested to hear of any more Mexican bootleg Spacex toys or kits that you may be aware of.

1 comment:

  1. What a great haul! 60s Space Toys and Models are truly a bottomless pit. Sigh... if only we had the time and money to find them all!
