Thursday, 1 March 2012

Rick Griffin

Rick Griffin [1944 -1991] was a 1960'70's poster artist of great acclaim and I adored his work, which I was first introduced to in a brilliant Paper Tiger book written in 1976 by his friend after they had toured Europe including a trip to Sunderland [not too far from Moonbase] no less!

Full of iconic symmetrical symbols [the most famous being his signature flying eyeball] and lettering, Rick was first choice for concert posters promoting the biggest US bands and gigs of the time. His unique surfer hippy comic style fitted like an afghan coat with the Grateful Dead and aoxamoxoa, pictured above, was one of his most well-known album covers/ posters. I couldn't resist adding a little SpaceX spice to the poster in the form of a couple of Salvage ships in classic Griffin mirror imaging. Not that it needing anything adding! Bad driving by others was bete noire in Rick's life and sadly it proved fatal in 1991. Such am awful shame as he was a truly unique artist who created the hippy backdrop of my youth.

Anyone else like the Griffster?

PS. the Flying Eyeball? eh, voila!


  1. Yes, I am a great fan, don't forget Mouse and Kelly though!

  2. If that is the "flying eyeball" at the top, Woodsy, it's actually an ancient egyptian winged sun disc (how else would the sun get across the sky?)

  3. No Andy - the flying eye WAS an eye with wings, fluffy type wings, but there is doubt over weather Griffin or Mouse was the originator, Griffin was the younger and met up with the others at Height Astbury where they all did psychedelic posters together and did drugs - shock horror!

    'udimua Keywo'...What the secret of the universe sounds like when it comes to you on an acid trip!
