Monday, 5 March 2012

John Carter of Mars

The new John Carter of Mars movie looks great. Hopefully going to see it later this week. Has anyone already seen it or even read any of the books?

Can we expect a line of toys?


  1. Read all the books numerous times, ages and ages ago. Totally ridiculous, formulaic, sexist nonsense ... and I LOVE THEM!

    I just wanna know how a six-foot tall man fights a fifteen-feet tall, multi-armed warrior (and wins). THAT I have to see.

  2. By the way ... for anyone interested, many (not sure about ALL) of the novels are available for free at various places online and in a variety of formats.

    Some here:

    Or here, at Gutenberg:

  3. Toad beat me to the availability of the novels (copyright's expired is why). Read quite a few of them, after seeing how they inspired Frazetta. Pretty good stuff. :)
    And yes, with Disney doing it, I'd be expecting some toys. Whether they match Frazetta's depictions remains to be seen though. :)


  4. Enbjoyed the books when young. Will be interested to see what films look like.

  5. ive just got my kit off, wrapped my nether regions in a scarf and leaped from desk to desk brandishing a 12 inch ruler!

  6. Spent many summer days reading the John Carter (and other) adventures on Barsoom. Fingers crossed for toys (wouldn't some Atlantis scaled sets be great?) but have seen nothing on recent Toy Fair reports.
