Wednesday 11 January 2012


Flicking through the SOLO comic strips posted on here I noticed at least three robots in the SWORD stories. SIBOR reminds me of the friendly pilot robot Robert in Fireball XL5 [which was apparantly voiced by Mr. Anderson himself! wikipedia]. The Quatermassesque 'alien machine' beetle bot recalls a toy I've seen but can't think where. The Walking Bomb is actually from a TV21 strip and drawn by Ron Embleton. It's on a course to destroy SWORD HQ! Yikes! [GACCH].


  1. So ... you're a bot man? (winks)

  2. Re. the Alien Machine Woodsy; Are you thinking of the Beetle game ('Cootie' in the states), by Spear & Sons, Merit and Waddington's (I think? - in no perticular order!), there are similarities with the legs and head but the body is squashed.

  3. Could be Cootie Mav, I see what you mean. I have a bug soup swilling round my head with images of Quatermass and the Pit alien insects, Hamiltons Invaders and something much more modern I've seen somewhere, a chrome walking spider toy!
