Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Never Zine Again?

Last weekend I tried to find a decent UK magazine on vintage toys. There were a few die-cast mags but nothing like the old Model Mart or TV Toys. Do any of you still read vintage toy mags in your part of the world?


  1. (shakes head) Not me.

  2. Nothing much around these days. Bought the Diecast model collector special 'Classic TV and Film Collectables' from WH Smith just before Christmas which has some great pics and articles on Dinky, Corgi and on a few plastic toys such as the Century 21 SPC and JR21 FAB1.

  3. I think this is your cue. A nice little fanzine (in format, much like the super Andersonic (www.andersonic.co.uk) zine) about classic toys would be super :)

  4. Thanks for the thumbs up Wil. I imagine running a fanzine is a thousand times more comp;icated and expensive than this little ol' blog. I do miss those classic toy mags though, esoecially Model Mart and Toy Shop.
