Saturday, 31 December 2011

Farewell 2011

Well New Years Eve is upon us and another year can only be seen in the rear view mirror. Hope you enjoyed great merriment and yulery over the Holidays. I personally ate far too many Mince Pies, which will be one of my New Years resolutions - to not eat all the pies!

Hope you all have an enjoyable New Year whatever your'e doing. With glorious visions of Higs Bosons and Nu Earths spinning round my head I'll hopefully see you on Moonbase in 2012. Stand by for Blast-Off, the Shuttle's making pick-ups near you........


  1. Do we need to have the correct fare ready or will the pilot give change?

  2. Happy New Year from across the Pond! Look forward to many more neat posts!

  3. Spectrum Steve12/31/2011 11:32 pm

    Everyone make sure you've got return tickets! Einstein was right after all.......see you tomorrow (or next year depending on time dilation) Happy New Year to all crew members!

  4. I left tomorrow and already got back!
