Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Pushing the Envelope

Just had the latest newsletter from Fantastic Plastic with a number of new kit releases. Most notable among them is the FDL-5 Hypersonic Research Vehicle, which I suggested might be an influence on the design of the Sword Scout toys, 2 and 3.

Some wonderful models available on the site, which are custom made and designed, but geared predominantly towards the more experienced modeller as they are largely resin based parts and quite expensive. So that lets me out for a start! Ha, ha


  1. Resin. Aaargh. I'll stick (ha ha) to plastic injection moulded kits.

  2. Toad giggles and hands Yorkie some solvent.

  3. The Fantastic Plastic website is great for browsing. I love the information that the pictures of the "Adamski" flying saucer that inspired "The Invaders" craft was actually part of a chicken feeder!

  4. Resin? Aaaargh! Price? Uuuurgh!
