Wednesday, 16 November 2011


Hi Paul,
I’ve pretty much gone as far as I want to go on my Glenn Field diorama for the time being so I’ve taken a few snaps of my Aoshima diecast Zero X on it for the blog. The base board ended up measuring around 6’ x 4’. I did toy with the idea of adding another 2’ to the length to accommodate the main body and No. 2 lifting body hangers but I figured the project was beginning to run away with me.
The buildings are all simple scratch built card and softwood mock ups vaguely resembling the larger kits that were used originally. Assuming the 7’ studio Zero X was supposed around 1000 feet long that would calculate that original scale of the buildings should be between 1/72 and 1/144 with matchbox cars falling within that scope. I assumed that the Aoshima ZX was scaled around 1/700 which would mean that any model cars used to decorate the set would end up being less than a quarter of an inch. I wasn’t keen on that so I opted for a loose 1/44 scale so I could at add some detail.
The lifting body hanger had to be scaled to the Aoshima so the lifting body wing could fit inside. Anyway, all in all it was fun to create and I hope you like the end result.


  1. jesus christ thats good!

  2. Breathtaking. Whether it is the angles used or elaborate visual trickery or both, there is a very strong sense of speed in every picture, of either the 0X taking off or rolling on the runway.

  3. Astounding, Mike. Lovely piece of work!

    Paul (running for a hanky to stop saliva spilling everywhere :)

  4. Truly stunning Mike. It's your calling! If they re-make Thunderbirds you'll get a phone call I reckon!

  5. Wonderful, Mike! Like Arto, I get the sense of speed, but I can't work out how you've done that ...

  6. Thanks for all the comments, folks, much appreciated.

    Regarding the sense of speed in some of the photos Its as much trial and error as anything. I streak tyremarks on the runway in the direction the model is facing and try to take a dramatic shot. A bit like if I was drawing it.

    If its not that, then I put it down to years of watching Thunderbirds : D
