Friday, 18 November 2011

K.E.V.I.N D.'S R.E.S.T.O.R.E.D S.W.O.R.D

Reader Kevin D has painstakingly restored some of his SWORD and C21/JR21 toys. Kevin explains Here are a couple, a before and after of a JR21TB1 that I got on ebay and a Apollo Saturn that had no nose or front fins when I bought it. Woodsy says Amazing Kevin!


  1. damn ive got to get me a Saturn. I love thatdesign and its one of the models thats eluded me longest too.

  2. Superb restorations. Got to agree with Wote, I've got to get me mits on one those Saturn's - a really nice looking toy.

  3. Beautiful work Kevin. How did you re-create those red fins from scratch?

  4. Thanks. The fins were made from plasticard cut and sanded to profile, the nozzles in them were parts of pens. I always keep lots of bits and pieces for scratchbuilding so I usually have a chance of making the parts.

  5. It wouldn't even have crossed my mind it had been restored. Super job, Kev !!

  6. Wish I had the skills to repair and restore and scratchbuild. Sigh.
