Wednesday, 9 November 2011

If You Go Down To The Woods Today

I'm now the proud owner of the board game, Mystic Wood, thanks to our blog owner, Woodsy!

So, does anyone want to try it out with me? I'm thinking of play-by-email .... but it doesn't have to be actual email. We could use Twitter, or a  blog set up for the purpose.... IMs, a Yahoo or Google group ... we are  spoilt for choice as far as the actual medium for making moves is  concerned.

And those moves are ultra simple. I believe the game is what is known as a "dungeon crawl". If you've never played it before then think of it as being like a sophisticated snakes-and-ladders, but one in which there are choices to be made (so it is non-deterministic). And those choices are simple enough. Essentially you will be choosing to move north (or south or east or west), and things like whether or not you will fight the dragon or retreat ... honestly, nothing more complicated than that. This won't take
more than a few minutes of your time each two or three days. The rules are ultra simple ... and you don't even have to learn those because the kindly Dungeon Mistress will happily explain the options open to you. (And you don't need to own a copy of the game.)

If we were playing around a table, with Woodsy being sent to the fridge to get beers and snacks, and Wote phoning the local pizza place (prawns on mine, please), the game would take about 1 hour. But because this will be played at a distance, it will take weeks to complete. Yes, a very leisurely game ... but I think it will be fun too if you have the mindset to sustain interest over that kind of period.

What do you say?. There can be five players. If you think you'd like to be one of them, contact me via email (toad at or through a comment to this blog post.


  1. Bring it forth with all speed - Wotan the Mighty commands it! Im game Dungeon Mistress! ha, ha

  2. Wotan the Mighty? Dungeon Mistress? Can we all have a cool name please?

  3. O Great Dungeon Mistress, I'd like to give it a go if there's room for a little'un!

  4. Whats to hell is going on here????

  5. The game is fought with sword, not gun
    And has space enough for a little'un.

    Be welcome to the wood, oh eviled one.

  6. And i thought "Woodsy" WAS a cool name, oh cowled one.

  7. I've emailed the rules to you, eviled.
