Saturday, 5 November 2011

Ebay Watch

Swordies have reported some fine Swordin' the last few weeks and Moon Base scanners are picking up some tastey morsels in auction land. The SWORD ensemble of vehicles that comes with the Quercetti missile catapult has a few days to go as has a rather nifty Golden Astronaut triple set, which comes with a Japanese instruction sheet [would love to see that].

There's another of those cool Pleasure Cruiser knockoffs by HG Toys and a nice little boxed Echo Car over in Canada. Tarheel made some cool Nova Rockets and blog readers Darth and Ferryman have both snagged a boxed one each of late. There's a Durham Nova Rocket loose in Texas as well. Over in Germany there's a nice boxed T Moon Prospector. and in Rhode Island a whole shedload of Apollo Moon Exploring carded sets.

Keep those radars rotatin' and happy Swordin'

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