Monday, 24 October 2011

Yus M'Lady, Shall We Take the Porsche?

Hi Woodsy,
Just picked up this Merehall Porsche Carrera 6 off fleabay. What I didn't know when I bid on this was that it features the JR21  diamond  logo on the base plate. Have you come across this one before? The
condition is remarkable. I also have a couple of Merehall  Commer vans that feature the [JR] diamond logo.

Nice one Ferry! Nope. it's a new one on me and another first for the blog. I wonder how many more Merehall - JR [21] hybrids there are like this and the Commer Van? Always amazes me that the same outfit made the SWORD toys - their finest hour! Woodsy

1 comment:

  1. Just wondering, how did Lady P and Parker actually get in and out of FAB 1?
